
March 24, 2016

Central Ohio on $750,000

Photo via The Columbus Dispatch
Each month The Columbus Dispatch showcases a variety of homes within the Central Ohio area that fall within the same price range. For February, the Dispatch featured homes with prices close to $750,000. From a condo in Bexley to 20 acres in Mount Vernon, $750,000 can go a long way in Central Ohio. See the full list here.

March 21, 2016

Gas Versus Electric: Which is Better to Heat Your Home?

Record low gas prices – and spiking electricity costs – have many Central Ohioans rethinking the switch from gas to electric heat. Several years ago, many homeowners switched their heating system to electric in an effort to cut down on utility costs. These same homeowners are now finding that gas heating may have been the cheaper choice all along. Read the full article from The Columbus Dispatch here and let us know your thoughts. Do you have gas or electric heat? Which system is better for you and your family?