
October 6, 2014

Refinancing 101

Refinancing is the process of replacing your original mortgage with a new mortgage that has a more favorable interest rate and term. Many people choose to refinance when they have home equity (the difference between the amount owed to the mortgage company and the home's value). In other words, refinancing is paying off an existing loan with the proceeds from a new loan. Refinancing lenders typically require a percentage of the total loan amount, in the form of "points," as an upfront payment. One point equals 1 percent of the total loan amount. The more points, the better, because a larger payment upfront results in a lower interest rate.
Refinancing can reduce monthly payments and interest rates, and allow people to choose a different mortgage company or take cash out of their home preceding a large purchase. Homeowners can also cancel their private mortgage insurance (PMI) with a mortgage refinance loan, as the home's value increases and the balance on the home declines. Some people refinance to switch between an adjustable rate mortgage and a fixed one. For those with balloon programs such as ARMs, refinancing allows someone to switch to a new, fixed rate before the entire mortgage balance is due at the end of the term (usually five to seven years). One other reason for refinancing is to consolidate other debts into one loan.

However, there are risks involved. People may incur penalties that can amount to $1000+ for paying down their existing mortgage with home equity credit. Make sure you have an understanding of the fees involved before committing to refinancing. Fees can account for 3-6 percent of your outstanding principal and include the application fee, title insurance and title search, the lender's attorney review fees, homeowner's insurance, the appraisal fee, and points and fees incurred in loan origination. Your savings in interest must exceed refinancing fees in order for refinancing to be worthwhile.

Interested in refinancing? Experiment with the home refinance calculator. To learn more about refinancing a home, watch the short video below:

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