
November 4, 2008

Quality of schools impact property values

Today is election day and with all of the school levy and bond issues on the ballot in and around Columbus, I thought it would be a good topic to discuss. Real estate values are impacted by many things, not the least of which is the quality of the school system the property in which the property is located. When families with children purchase a home, they want to insure a good education with a full range of activities will be available. The higher the price range of the homes, the higher the expectations. It is important to keep this in mind as you go to vote. If your school system has to make major cuts because the voters reject operating levies, the houses in your neighborhood may not sell as well which will put downward pressure on prices and property values will decline. It might be worth paying those extra taxes during the year to help protect the value of the homes in your area. Worth considering....

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